This conversation is all about stories. Tales of recent history and childhood memories. Recalling inspiration from others and happy accidents. Joining me to stroll down memory lane is Julia Herz, someone who has provided plenty of people in and around beer their own mental souvenirs to cherish.
Julia is a longtime fixture in beer, having served for years as a de facto “face” of craft brewers’ trade organization, the Brewers Association. She was part of a round of COVID-influened layoffs in 2020, but is now back with the Brewers Association’s sister group, the American Homebrewers Association, serving as executive director. Julia’s connections, relationships, and impact runs deep in American beer, and you can get a good sense of that as well as reflections on a temporary career change in Good Beer Hunting podcast episode 286 which features a conversation with Julia and GBH colleague, Beth Demmon.
But in this episode, you’ll hear Julia talk about her own appreciation for homebrewing, some of what her organization is up to, and share stories of the many things that led her to where she is today. Including a chance encounter with the Homebrewers Assoication’s original founder that feels uniquely perfect to her journey.