Good Beer Hunting

SP-002 Worth the Squeeze — Fruit Beer Adds Punch to Brand Portfolios

SP-002 Worth the Squeeze — Fruit Beer Adds Punch to Brand Portfolios

Welcome to this episode of Sightlines. I’m Bryan Roth.

This podcast is part of our content for Sightlines Premium, an insights-driven professional community and subscription newsletter designed to help industry decision-makers grow their business. In this episode, you’ll get a snippet of that content, as we explore a style-specific case study of what’s working for breweries around the country.

Discussions of these timely and relevant topics are what drives our content on Sightlines Premium, and if you’re interested in what’s changing at breweries—or if you’re someone at a brewery making business decisions—our subscriber community is continually getting up-to-date market analysis and sharing expertise in our dedicated forum, and via video chats with fellow subscribers. If you like what you hear, learn more at

Starting in 2019, fruit beers—a non-specific category comprising fruited and flavored brands—showed some of the strongest growth among beer styles in grocery, convenience, liquor, and other chain stores. This has become even more stark in 2020, as COVID-19 has accelerated brewing and sales strategies that are focused on easy-to-understand flavor experiences, like hop-forward beers … or beers featuring fruit.

Let’s be clear: In terms of raw dollar sales, nothing is even close to what IPAs sell in chain stores. But more and more, the pace of growth for fruit beers is becoming noteworthy. Listen in as we discuss.