The Third Place — Kunal Bhat — Good Beer Hunting

Good Beer Hunting

In Good Company

The Third Place — Kunal Bhat

Michael Kiser

Kunal Bhat (@kunalbhat) is an interaction designer at gravitytank in Chicago. In his spar(s)e time, he thinks about robotics, animation and fly fishing. He avoids public pools like the plague, because he’s pretty sure that’s where it started. 

What’s your favorite beer and style?

For me, it’s consistently been Saisons/Farmhouse Ales — and Sam Smith Organic.

What’s in your fridge right now?

Right now I’m giving 5 Rabbit Golden Ale a try. I have some Red Stripe and Cable Car Small Batch Lager hanging around in there too.

What was the first beer that clued you in?

Delirium Tremens originally piqued my curiosity, and I became interested in how brewers would balance high ABV with different flavors and sweetness.

What’s your most memorable beer moment?

When I was gifted one bottle of Westvleteren Blonde from The Boozehound’s Kyle McHugh.

Bartender or brewer?

Brewer: There’d be something really exciting about perfecting a flavor and then producing it in large quantities and dealing with all the associated challenges. I’m more of a behind-the-scenes guy anyway.

What was your greatest beer hunt?

One time I’d tasted a bottle of Tusker Kenyan Lager, and had a particularly good experience with it. For a while I couldn’t find it again, so when Drinks Over Dearborn restocked, I ended up buying the whole case. I prefer Tusker close to room temperature. It makes me think of drinking it out in the African sun on safari — sort of has that romantic appeal for me.
