Good Beer Hunting


121. Read. Look. Drink.

These are the words, images, and beers that inspired the GBH Collective this week. Drinking alone just got better, because now you're drinking with all of us.


READ. // "Jacobson was the head of a sprawling network of mobsters, psychics, strip-club owners, convicts, drug traffickers, and even a family of Mormons, who had falsely claimed more than $24 million in cash and prizes." The Daily Beast on the absolutely bonkers story of the ex-cop who rigged almost every McDonald's Monopoly prize for 12 years.

LOOK. // Colorful cycling kits, stunning European landscapes, and beautiful bicycles were once again on display this July. But this year, it wasn't what was captured at the Tour de France that caught my eye, but rather the wonderful work of Francesco Rachello and Eloise Mavian capturing the 2018 Giro Rosa.

DRINK. // Untitled Art x Penrose Brewing's Grisette
It's refreshing as hell and in a tallboy to boot. Untitled Art's collaboration with Penrose is tart, dry, with loads of lemon and a wonderful, lightly dry-hopped bitterness. A perfect pairing for the never-ending hum of cicadas and the unrelenting mid-afternoon sun. Welcome to the dog days.

READ. // "If you’re anything like me, you’ve had days where you can’t escape a craving for sugar." Taylor Mitchell Brown goes deep on why we can't stop with Oreos, and other "terrible" foods.

LOOK. // I love the detail and lines of James Casebere's photography. He creates table-top models and photographs them, giving the viewer an interesting angle at seemingly large landscapes that actually exist in a small space.

DRINK. // Austin Beerworks' Super Awesome Helles Lager
On arrival at my friend's house Sunday morning before heading to Texas Lambic Fest, I was handed a Super Awesome Lager from Austin Beerworks. A crisp, biscuit-y Helles with absolutely superb carbonation out of the can, it was the perfect breakfast beer before I destroyed my stomach lining with enamel-wrenching acidity.

READ. // Six documentary films have been released to theaters this year, and the popularity of the form is growing. This Ringer piece takes a look at the evolution of documentaries and the drivers of their success. "It is indisputable that it is ever-present in our culture right now, a quest for truth unencumbered by artifice. And so it’s growing. How long it will last isn’t clear."

LOOK. // "People think that when she went on stage, she became Nina Simone. My mother was Nina Simone 24/7." I recently rewatched the Netflix documentary, "What happened, Miss Nina Simone?" Her music often finds its way into my playlists, and this film examines everything from her classical music upbringing to her rise to fame, activism, and struggles with bi-polar disorder.

DRINK. // Tree House Brewing Co.'s Julius IPA
Some friends who recently visited Tree House generously shared a few cans of the brewery's flagship with me. I've been giving my palate haze breaks from time to time, but on a recent humid day, I reached for a can. It had all the citrus flavor I remembered, and at "just" 6.8%, I'd almost forgotten how beautifully balanced this beer is.

Curated by
The GBH Collective