These are the words, images, and beers that inspired the GBH collective this week. Drinking alone just got better, because now you're drinking with all of us.

READ. // "The racial fluidity of these black characters—because it’s only a performance, and because it’s transparent to us as viewers—feels surreal because the falseness is played as truth." There's a lot to unpack after watching Boots Riley's "Sorry to Bother You," and Phillips' gives a poignant take on how America in 2018 is shaping black art (and vice versa). *Contains Spoilers*
LOOK. // Directed by Aleia Murawski (a great Instagram follow) and Samuel Copeland, this music video for Bully features an actual real-life snail, living in a Tim Burton-esque suburbia, going through the daily dredges of life. What's not to love?
DRINK. // Great Central Brewing Helles Lager
Essentially everything a great lager should be; clean, crisp, and well-balanced, it's a no bullshit beer made exceptionally well. I stopped into the taproom the other day to have one, but I thoroughly enjoyed staying for three.

READ. // This New Yorker piece profiles Spyros Enotiades, an actor hired by the D.E.A. to play roles such as cartel boss, middleman, or money manager in sting operations. Enotiades is exhilarated by the danger and the thrill of manipulating criminals: “Once you get into this and you’re hooked, you’re hooked.”
LOOK. // Showtime's documentary, The Fourth Estate, chronicles the New York Times in a Trump era. Freedom of the press, the paper's financial troubles, Comey, Russia—it's all covered.
DRINK. // Live Oak Brewing Pilz
On his recent trip to Boston, fellow GBH contributor Dave Riddile brought me some cans of Live Oak Brewing's Pilz. With an upcoming trip to Prague in August, I took this opportunity to read up on the Pale Lager style—one hand wrapped around the can and the other surfing through content.

READ. // "Feminist ideas can help men—be it the rejection of expectations that men be strong and stoic or ending the silence around male victims of sexual violence. But boys also need the same kind of culture we created for girls." This article from Jessica Valenti for the New York Times is a handy reminder that we need to make sure that we're raising our sons with good emotional support. I have to remember to make sure I'm checking in on my son the same way I'm always checking in on my daughter.
LOOK. // Feast your eyes on the winners of this year's iPhone Photography contest. Of course there's some post shoot editing going on here and yes, it's hard to believe that the phones we all have take better or as good of pictures as almost any point and shoot, but to see these photos all in one place is amazing.
DRINK. // Shacksbury Classic Cider
We've been praising Shacksbury's ciders left and right here on ol' RLD for months but truly, they are making some of the most stunning ciders in America. I tried their Classic cider this past weekend and it was close to perfection. The carbonation was tight and sharp, and the cider was dry with just enough funk to keep things interesting without turning off less adventurous cider drinkers.

The GBH Collective