These are the words, images, and beers that inspired the GBH collective this week. Drinking alone just got better, because now you're drinking with all of us.

READ. // As if being a Baltimore Oriole fan wasn't a hefty enough punch to the gut, first baseman Chris Davis is on track to have "the worst single season in the history of the sport." Like, ever. With a seven-year, $161-million contract, the math of how much he's paid to "shit the bed" hurts my brain.
LOOK. // Richard Beaven and his wife Mini own Little Ghent Farm, a wonderful spot 10 minutes from our recent home purchase in Ghent, NY. Richard's also a noted photographer. During the 2016 presidential election, he shot New Yorkers who had constructed and posted large signs in support of Donald Trump. The project includes images of signs that still stand today.
DRINK. // Allagash Brewing Company's Little Brett
It only comes out once a year, but when it does, I'm scouring stores to find it. Little Brett is a single malt, single hop ale with 100% Brettanomyces yeast. I always intentionally save my first sip for a Friday night. But this year, I finished the first in record time. Ugh, guess I'll have another.

READ. // "I have a lot of fury, I guess, and also appreciation of things that are a little uncomfortable or scary." That's Edie Faker on his upcoming book, Little Stranger, which aims to communicate the experience of queer weirdos (queerdos) instead of linear stories.
LOOK. // Liquid Citizenship is an interactive project by Femke Herregraven that demonstrates the growing commodification of citizenship. The rich gain citizenship via investment while the poor languish in the naturalization process. See which citizenships you can gain based on your personal information.
DRINK. // Holy Mountain/Fort George/Modern Times' 3-Way IPA
You know a beer is good when you intend to get half pours in pairs to try as much new beer as possible, but end up making one of them a constant with each pair you order. That was this IPA.

READ. // "He told me about clowns and acting and performances and bringing people joy and beauty one plate at a time. He told me about the day his life changed on the train from Portugal to Paris." The Giving Kitchen—a nonprofit that helps restaurant workers in need—is only getting started, and their work is so important.
LOOK. // The legendary Hotel Clermont recently reopened here in my hometown of Atlanta. These photos show just how fantastic of a job they did rehabbing the former flophouse while allowing the infamous Clermont Lounge to continue operating exactly as-is underneath it all.
DRINK. // Bell's Brewery's Quinannan Falls
Inspired by GBH troublemaker Kyle Kastranec (including his latest, freedom-filled b-Roll), I brought home a sixer of this preposterously crushable India Pale Lager about a week ago. Reader, it is long gone. Quinannan Falls is dry-hopped, crisp AF, and sure to be a regular in my summertime repertoire. Thanks, Kyle.

The GBH Collective