These are the words, images, and beers that inspired the GBH collective this week. Drinking alone just got better, because now you're drinking with all of us.
photographer unknown, project by Kati Dimoff

READ. // "Increasingly, large wine producers nationally and internationally are relying on acquisitions of Napa Valley wineries, brands and vineyard land to achieve their strategies for growing their high-end wine businesses." It's not straight apples-to-apples, but beer lovers are sure to find some parallels here.
LOOK. // Portland photographer Kati Dimoff checks old film cameras at Goodwill for undeveloped rolls of film, and...came across a unique collection.
DRINK. // pFriem Family Brewers' Pilsner
I have never been in love with a Pilsner. I'm American, dammit, which means my food and drink better come big, bold, and motherfucking flavor-blasted. But hot damn if this isn't the ideal "beer to drink when you don't want to think about beer." But then you catch yourself thinking about this Pilsner's delicate beauty, and how quickly it disappears. Perfect.

READ. // "She ended the hunger strike when the prison vowed to provide her with gender-reassignment surgery, an unprecedented accommodation." It's difficult for me to remember a time when a piece of reporting made me grapple with as many emotions as this one: sympathy, anger, confusion, sadness, excitement, heartbreak, and a small modicum of joy.
LOOK. // Next to, perhaps, Chip Kidd, Peter Mendelsund has been the most prolific book cover designer of our time. Aside from the (groundbreaking-in-the-publishing-world) news that he's left Knopf, the recently-designed book covers he shares in this post are just straight fire.
DRINK. // Brewery Bhavana's Foeder-Aged Brett Saison
This beer is legit. It's the first Bhavana beer that's been through their wild-yeasted, white-oak foeder, and it came out the other end super duper dry. Like, unbelievably dry. And it pairs incredibly well with, of all things, banana bread.

READ. // "All the produce is sourced locally, and by that, I really mean all. There is no lemon for acidity and no pepper for seasoning. There is also no chocolate for desserts or olive oil for cooking. All of these things are banned in Chef Micha’s kitchen." While prepping for a trip to Berlin, I came across this Nobelhart & Schmutzig article on Berlin Food Stories. Click around and get a feel for what's happening on the culinary front of Berlin.
LOOK. // If you don't know Harry Benson by name, you're at least aware of some of his photographs. Over the span of some 50 years, he's shot some of the most iconic and enduring images.
DRINK. // Folksbier Brewery's Glow Up Raspberry
It's tough to pick just one Glow Up, Folksbier's Berliner that gets treated with various fruits. But since raspberry is what I've had the most of, let's go with that. With the mercury rising and sweat dripping, having a tart, light beer that you can knock back a few of is welcomed.

The GBH Collective