Good Beer Hunting

no. 471

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I wasn’t sure what to expect when I walked into Argosy that night. I was attending a Crowns & Hops event hosted by Beny Ashburn and Teo Hunter, a magical duo whose desire to create diversity in beer has transformed into a cultural movement. They don’t throw parties—they create vibes.

As soon as I stepped through the door and heard the music thumping, I knew I was in the right place. While I was making my way through the crowd, the DJ threw on “After Party” by Koffee Brown, a song that’s as infectious as it is euphoric. (If this track doesn’t change your mood, I don’t know what will.)

As the evening progressed, the DJ kept dropping classic R&B hits, and the space filled up with familiar faces. It seemed like the whole Atlanta beer scene was in the room—and many of them were sipping Ale Sharpton’s collaboration beer with New Belgium, Piano Keys.

I loved seeing the crowd explode in excitement as soon as a new song came on. I watched as conversations were put on hold so everyone could sing along with lyrics memorized decades ago. When “Before I Let Go” from the incomparable Frankie Beverly and Maze started playing, the Electric Slide rippled through the crowd as if on cue. This was more than a party, more than a vibe. It was a celebration of all the people who enjoy beer.

[Disclosure: New Belgium underwrites GBH’s Into the Wild series.]