Good Beer Hunting

no. 191

“I’m texting my wife. Gotta let her know what’s up.”

When I took this photo, The Veil Brewing had been open for exactly one month. (And it had only been open a couple when GBH published my feature on it.) Inside this massive new brewery, Matt Tarpey was a work force of one. Sure, he had help on canning days, and there were any number of important people in the background. But from a beer standpoint, the actual creation of product that fueled the brewery? Tarpey was it. 

When I met him that morning, it was he and I for the better part of four hours inside The Veil’s brewhouse. Amidst all of this gleaming new steel, and the colossal pressure that comes with opening a new brewery, it’s nice to remember that, sometimes, it’s just beer. And brewers have lives to live just like the rest of us.

—Cory Smith