Good Beer Hunting

FF-004 Jim Plachy an ounce at a time, and Texas BBQ

FF-004 Jim Plachy an ounce at a time, and Texas BBQ

Welcome to another episode of The Fervent Few podcast. The Fervent Few subscribe to GBH like a magazine making a monthly contribution via Patreon. Members join us in a forum to talk about a wide range of topics that don’t just stop at beer. And every week we pick one of these topics and present the community’s answers to readers in the form of an article posted to Good Beer Hunting. You can find out more information by visiting

Today we’re going to call Kate Nolan, a freelance social media manager from the suburbs of Chicago and Brad Redick, a sales manager from the Dallas, Texas area. But before we talk to them here’s Michael Kiser and I talking about what’s been going on since the last episode.