This week we announced the Slow Ride Sessions collaboration with New Belgium Brewing. We put together an event series in Chicago to celebrate their new session IPA, aptly named Slow Ride, and bring together the kind of artists and artisans who can benefit from a low abv IPA while they do their thing all day, weather it’s screenrpinting, or baking, or woodworking. We’re offering classes with these folks, Slow Ride Session as we call them, for the next couple of months. Super limited seating to check it out right away. And all the ticket revenue goes to benefit the rebuilding exchange in Chicago, a non-profit dedicated to reclaiming salvaged building materials and getting them back into circulation in the form of materials, furniture, anything you can think of. It’s a rad mission.
John Clarke is a New Belgium brand manager here in Chicago. Former Goose Island guy, he's from the world of sales and marketing, but he has to do all that far away from the mothership in Fort Collins, Co. So how’s he do it? What’s it like day-to-day? Breweries are hiring on more and more sales folks across the country, and figuring out how to maintain a culture far beyond the walls of the brewery is critical to their success.
And following that, a short conversation with Derek Lewis, the bike room operations manager for Heritage Bicycles here in Chicago. It’s a sort of hybrid coffee shop/bike shop that’s really taking off with a children’s store concept, a new uptown cafe location, and Nashville is on the horizon for this crew. Pretty exciting stuff. We’re going to talk to Derek about the bike side of things a bit because he’s the first stop on our Slow Ride Session series.
Learn more about the Slow Ride Sessions >>